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How do I Grow from My Impaired Driving Charge?

Writer: Bria LyonBria Lyon

Sometimes experiencing a negative event like an impaired driving charge, or a criminal conviction, causes one to reevaluate their life and make positive changes.


The phenomenon is often referred to as post-traumatic growth. It occurs when individuals experience personal development and positive changes following adversity or trauma. Rather than experiencing ongoing and persistent negativity, they find new meaning, resilience, and a deeper appreciation for life.


How Can I Gain Momentum in This Process?


You've probably heard that you can only get where you want to be if you know where you're going. This witty statement is as true now as the first time it was said. So how do you come to know where you're going, so you can get where you want to be?


To start with, goals are crucial. When we set goals, what we're really trying to do is bring each piece of our lives in line with our overall vision. Using a powerful vision-setting process can help you create more effective goals, since you can chart a course that will take you toward your vision.


Do you know where you're headed spiritually, socially, relationally, physically, financially, and more?


Use this process to help you create a vision that works for you:


1.    Write down your vision for a particular aspect of your life. Write a couple of paragraphs describing what you'd like to have or be. There's no right or wrong. In fact, you probably won't precisely articulate your dreams the very first time you try the exercise. A reasonable guess is a good place to start.


  • In writing your vision, avoid focusing on what you don’t want. Rather, focus on the positive things that you want to bring into your life. For example, if you want more money, avoid wording your statement with an “I don’t want”. Instead, envision what it would be like to have wealth, and to feel more stable financially.

  • Although you may feel challenged when first learning to focus on what you want, it gets easier. Plus, the rewards are spectacular when you can do it consistently. You'll start to notice that your life seems as if you can change it at will, which you can.


2.    Read and visualize. Visit with your statement 2-3 times a day, read it and imagine that your life matches your vision perfectly. This should only take a minute each time, a small investment! How does your vision make you feel? Are you excited and enthusiastic? Is it appealing to you on all levels?


3.    Refine. If you feel good about your vision, that's great. If not, now is the time to make alterations. Continue refining the image of your dream life until doing your visualization feels spectacular. Re-write each new version.


  • At this point, you may be wondering when this process ever ends. Fortunately, it never ends. Your vision will forever be changing slightly throughout your life, which is good, since your desires will also change over time.


4.    Review your vision daily and ensure that it continues to attract you. This will rapidly usher change into your life. In turn, these changes will demonstrate that you're moving towards your vision.

5.    Create separate vision statements for all the areas of your life. Consider your finances, relationships, adventure, health, social life, and spirituality. If you can get all these visions to look just the way you want, imagine what your life will look like!


Why Spend Time On This Process?


Consider all the things you do every day. Everything you do either helps you reach your vision or helps someone else reach theirs. Wouldn’t you rather help reach yours?

In a world where many of us are trying to evolve, be better humans, take care of ourselves and our family, be healthy and fit, and make improvements to our work and our relationships, maybe this impaired driving charge, and the aftermath of it, can help you make positive changes. 


Don't hesitate. Create your visions today, and then start reviewing and improving them immediately. Your life will transform rapidly for the better.


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